Elise Italiano Ureneck: An active listening church

“We could all stand to pay attention to the kinds of questions we ask, how empathetically we listen and whether or not we approach other people in their complexity and complications, rather than with a caricature of them in mind.”

Lent and pandemic: A place for everyone after this storm

“‘We are all in the same boat,’ Pope Francis reminded us. … We could perhaps point out that we are all in the same storm but not in the same boat. There are stronger boats and there are more fragile ones. We also see that sometimes those who are in the same boat try to throw others off it.”

Shannen Dee Williams: A song for Mother Tolton

Mother Tolton’s journey is representative of the thousands of Black laywomen who kept the faith alive when most in the white-dominated church sought to abandon Black Catholics.

St. Joseph: The quiet love of a father

“St. Joseph is an example to all fathers of providing a daily witness of true strength and gentleness, preparing our children well in the ordinary moments of each day.”