While those who support euthanasia and medically assisted suicide emphasize empowerment and control, Catholic opponents argue an undeniably dangerous and dystopian dimension has begun to emerge in the sometimes profit-driven realms of health care insurance and medicine.
Catholics call for vigilance as more legislatures advance medically assisted suicide bills
Minnesota doctors, people with disabilities, pro-life leaders oppose assisted suicide bill
If legislation for people diagnosed with a terminal condition passes the Minnesota Legislature and opens the door to potential expansion to include those with disabilities, assisted suicide could one day be an option that could be a tragedy for many.
Ask Father Tom: Telling stories of life and death
Legalizing assisted suicide undermines the social contract with, and commitments by, the medical community of healers to help the sick and protect the vulnerable.
Australian legislation would allow territories to pass their own laws
The Australian Parliament is considering legislation that would allow the country’s two territories to pass their own laws, paving the way for legalizing euthanasia.
New South Wales becomes last Australian state to pass assisted dying law
The Voluntary Assisted Dying regime will be deployed across the state 18 months after the new law takes effect, leading to voluntary and doctor-assisted dying being available in health care and aged care facilities for people with terminal illnesses.
Groups decry end of Oregon residency rule for physician-assisted suicide
The National Right to Life Committee March 30 denounced Oregon’s decision to drop residency requirements that were part of its physician-assisted suicide law.
U.K. study shows correlation between suicides, assisted dying
Violent suicides increase in countries where assisted suicide and euthanasia are legalized, a new study shows.
Italian court blocks referendum on euthanasia
On Feb. 15, 2022, Italy’s Constitutional Court blocked a national referendum on legalizing euthanasia, saying it would violate constitutional protections of human life.