The essay contest was launched soon after a group of home-school moms and educators, including American Life League president Judie Brown, founded the Culture of Life Studies Program in 2014.
National pro-life essay contest opens for middle and high school students
Christina Capecchi: Writing in the attic — the Catholic call to creativity
Sometimes, the first step of creativity is the hardest: slowing down and looking up.
Award-winning Catholic author writes her mysteries by ‘seat of her pants’
Tracy Clark has won numerous awards in the crime fiction arena, including the Sue Grafton Memorial Award. Her latest book, “Runner,” came out in June of this year.
Christina Capecchi: Finding God in the wilderness
“The wild reminds us to be in awe of things beyond ourselves,” says writer Nick Ripatrozone, a member of Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church in Sparta, N.J.