See you later . . .

I don’t care much for goodbyes. I prefer “see you later” because, after all, hopefully we’ll see one another for an eternity when we meet up again in heaven.

So, with that said, this is “see you later.” With the change in format of The Visitor from a newspaper to a magazine comes changes in the columns. Moving forward, my column, “From the Home Front,” will now be available through The Visitor’s blog, “From the Heart.” To visit me (and the others who write for the blog) go to

By Rita Meyer

It’s been a good run. For 12 years I’ve shared my thoughts, feelings, life happenings and highlights with you. Having a deadline each month has forced me — in a good way — to process my thoughts into words. Writing has always helped me to think things through. But, as they say, when one door closes, another one opens. Maybe someone will read one of my blog entries and want to hire me to write devotionals for their publication. What a dream job that would be!

Thank you for reading my column. I hope that I have brought a little bit of inspiration or entertainment to your days by reading what I had to say. I’ve enjoyed sharing these “growing up” years of my four children. Emma was only 7 years old when I started “From the Home Front,” and Miranda wasn’t even born yet. Now we’re looking at a 19- and 11-year-old, with Justine and Luke in between. I have been blessed beyond measure.

Persevere. That’s been my word for 2018. “Purpose” was last year’s word. My goal has been to persevere in my purpose. What’s my purpose? To know, love and serve the Lord. How do I do this? By being diligent in prayer. By being a more patient and loving wife to Marv and mom to the kids. By being a source of comfort and joy to my mom. In a nutshell, by trying to replicate Mother Teresa’s advice of doing small things with great love. Or, in my own words: do good while you still have the time.

Generous. That’s my word selection for 2019. I want to be generous beyond measure. Generous with my time, my talent and my treasure. It’s taken me a half a century, but I think I’m finally getting it. The more you give, the more you receive. Truly, if you want more joy in your life, concentrate on Jesus, others and yourself — in that order.

Thank you for following my journey. God’s blessings to you always.

Rita Meyer is married and the mother of four children. She and her family are members of St. John the Baptist Parish in Meire Grove. Email her at

Author: The Visitor

The Visitor is the official newpaper for the Diocese of Saint Cloud.

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