“The Eucharistic Revival has four main goals that can help guide our diocese, Area Catholic Communities and parishes as we move ahead.”
Bishop Kettler: Goals for the Eucharistic Revival
Bishop Kettler: Statement on U.S. Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision
The decision by the U.S. Supreme Court “is good news for the protection and sacred dignity of human life. … Every person is created in the image and likeness of God, and God loves every single human life.”
Bishop Kettler: Walking the talk of our pro-life values
“’Walking with Moms in Need’ is a program initiated a few years ago that is designed to help local Church communities ‘walk in the shoes’ of pregnant and parenting women by filling in service gaps that may exist.”
Bishop Kettler: Answering Mary’s call to conversion
“This month, let us turn to Mary in a special way as a spiritual role model to emulate and as a loving mother who faithfully brings all of our cares and concerns to her Son, Jesus.”
Bishop Kettler: This Easter season, be a sign of hope for others
Here are three things we should work on this Easter season.
Bishop Kettler: Emptying ourselves to make room for Christ
“Ash Wednesday is the beginning of the Church’s 40-day Lenten season when we focus on prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Why does Jesus caution his disciples to do these practices quietly and without fanfare?”
Bishop Kettler: With omicron surge declining, masking requirement ends
“We’ve had to make many sacrifices. But we make them in light of our Catholic faith, which calls us to show care and compassion for our neighbors, including the elderly and those with underlying health conditions for whom the virus can have devastating consequences.”
Bishop Kettler: ‘Believe. Celebrate. Live.’
“‘Believe. Celebrate. Live.’ describes our response to this sacred mystery, the source and summit of our faith. The ministries supported by the Bishop’s Annual Appeal bring people closer to Christ and share his Good News.”