“The pope is calling every person and every society to reject this throwaway culture and recognize Christ in every person.”
Bishop Kettler: Fraternity, social friendship and the Good Samaritan
Bishop Kettler: Rowing together on our missionary journey
“This call to mission, this invitation to come follow, to see and to learn is one heard again and again in the Gospels.”
Bishop Kettler: Election 2020 through a Catholic lens
“Voting is a decision left to each individual. It should be the culmination of a longer process of education and discernment during which you properly form your conscience so you can make good decisions regarding the public policies and moral issues at stake in the election.”
Planning during a pandemic for our Catholic schools, faith formation programs
The St. Cloud Diocese is committed to high safety requirements and public health mandates when reopening our schools and starting our faith formation programs.
Bishop Kettler: The first shall be last: Being a ‘servant of all’
We follow Mary’s example as ‘servant of all’ when we place the needs and safety of others ahead of our own.
Bankruptcy reorganization is important step for justice, healing
“As the Body of Christ united together, I know we can be powerful witnesses of justice, hope and healing during this significant time in the history of our diocese.”
Bishop Kettler: Prayer, education, action key to anti-racism efforts
I have heard many people express the question, “What can I do?” The answer isn’t simple. Real change will require a determined, long-term commitment.
All are invited to participate in priesthood ordination via livestream
Because of the coronavirus, we celebrate, via livestream, the ordination of three men to the priesthood June 6, 2020.