Examination of Mencken’s writings on religion has lessons for today

Hart, a visiting assistant professor of history at Hillsdale College in Michigan, examines Mencken’s life and career from his birth until after his death and establishes the influence of Mencken’s family upon H.L.’s religious attitudes and pro-German feelings that were to shape his thinking.

Movie: ‘A United Kingdom’

By Kurt Jensen NEW YORK (CNS) — The historical drama “A United Kingdom” (Fox Searchlight) tells the story of Seretse Khama (David Oyelowo), an African royal […]

Teens, tweens want news, but get it from different sources

In a survey of 853 “tweens,” kids ages 10-12, and teenagers ages 13-18, five out of eight said they had gotten news the day before from family, teachers or friends, and close to half said they had gotten news online. What’s considered “traditional” media — newspapers, TV and radio — were just a few percentage points behind online sources.

Movie – ‘Kong: Skull Island’

With a thematic agenda that takes it beyond the usual confines of its genre, and a story driven forward by sustained, nervous dread — an emotion skillfully conveyed from the characters to the audience — “Kong: Skull Island” (Warner Bros.) is an impressive monster movie.