As we head into another Father’s Day with barbecues and goofy cards, it is worth reflecting on what are the virtues of fatherhood we should be extolling.
‘Ted Lasso’ and ‘Succession’: What makes a good dad?
‘On the road’ Masses are a mingling of creativity and the Holy Spirit
“On the Road” Masses build community, inspire devotion.
AI cannot ignore respect for human dignity
AI: We can’t dismiss it, but we shouldn’t forsake faith, or the spiritual life either.
Superheroes can be useful for catechesis on virtues, values
What do Rocket Racoon, Superman, Spider-Man, Wonder Woman and following Jesus have to do with each other? These super folks have a lot of the same qualities it takes to live authentic Christianity today.
Christina Capecchi: ‘Find the heart of the work’: wisdom from Tomie dePaola
So much of Tomie’s Catholic upbringing appears in his richly colored folk art – the nuns and friars, the churches and baptisms – and the depiction of family life often mirrors his own Irish-Italian rituals.
Bishop Reed: ‘I watch the dads in my parish very closely’
Q&A with Bishop Reed, auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Boston and chairman of the USCCB’s committee for Communications.
What the church teaches: End-of-life issues
The Catholic church teaches that all life, from conception to natural death, is sacred. However, modern medical advances have made end-of-life issues increasingly difficult to sort out.
In honoring anti-Catholic activists, L.A. Dodgers strike out
By deciding to reinvite the activist group, the Dodgers might win a peaceful moment from the LGBTQ lobby, but many others lose.