Inside the Capitol: Beyond Respect Life Month

The Minnesota Catholic Conference, the public policy voice of the Catholic Church in Minnesota, provides an occasional “Inside the Capitol” update.

By Minnesota Catholic Conference

“Watch out, stay alert; for you do not know when the appointed time is” (Mark 13:33).

St. Mark reminds us in his Gospel that we know not when the Son of Man will return. We can apply this to our call to be faithful citizens — our call to be advocates for life, dignity and the common good does not rest. As faithful Catholic citizens, we need to be an alert voice that builds relationships with legislators in order to be a credible witness at any appointed time.

Catholics across the nation are particularly alert to issues impacting life during October, Respect Life Month. But we must remain vigilant and take action to protect life and dignity by combating the throwaway culture every day at every stage. Whether it is advocating for laws that respect the lives of those who may be nearing the end of their time here or advocating for those whose lives have just begun in the womb.

To aid you in your efforts to remain alert, we want to encourage you to join the Minnesota Alliance for Ethical Healthcare. This partner organization of the Minnesota Catholic Conference is a coalition of 80 organizations plus individuals who advocate for compassionate alternatives to the legalization of assisted suicide in Minnesota.

The reality is that the issue is not going away, making it even more important for Catholics to remain vigilant and prepare by promoting life-affirming alternatives that are truly compassionate. By joining the alliance — as an individual, parish, or organization — you will receive updates on how to take action to ensure real care throughout life’s journey. Visit for details.

Efforts to undermine the dignity of life unfortunately do not remain solely at the state level. We must also speak up on the national level in support of reforms that can truly help women and families throughout pregnancy and speak out against efforts that will further endanger the lives of the unborn.

The so-called “Women’s Health Protection Act” (H.R. 3755), which is now in the hands of the U.S. Senate, is not about protecting women’s health. Instead, this falsely named bill would allow abortion on demand nationwide at every stage of pregnancy. It would ban pro-life laws in every state and local government, force all Americans to support abortion with their tax dollars, and eliminate conscience protections for doctors.

As Catholics, it is not enough to simply be alert or feel angry about the taking of innocent lives and the lack of support for pregnant women. We must realize that now is the appointed time for which we are called to be a voice for the most vulnerable.

Contact your senators today and urge them to vote no on the misnamed “Women’s Health Protection Act” and instead work toward policies that support pregnant women and help families flourish. Visit the USCCB’s action center to send your message today:

Author: The Central Minnesota Catholic

The Central Minnesota Catholic is the magazine for the Diocese of St. Cloud.

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