While royals aren’t typically known for their generosity, St. Margaret of Scotland was renowned for her care for the poor and marginalized, as well as her intense piety.
Saint of the month: St. Margaret of Scotland
Become closer to God this Lenten season using CRS Rice Bowl
By using CRS Rice Bowl materials, families and educators can teach children about the season of Lent, Jesus’ sacrifice, and how they can help their sisters and brothers around the world while living out their faith.
Authors: Find moments of silence this Lent, connect three pillars of season
Two authors provided their insights on how to make Lent meaningful in 2022 — especially since this is the third Lent the church will observe during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Father Scott Pogatchnik: Lenten training to reach our heavenly home
Lent, our own ‘spring training,’ prepares us for the mysteries of Holy Week.
Almsgiving: Lent’s overlooked discipline
Perhaps Catholics in the United States might redouble their efforts to give alms this Lent and to reflect in greater depth on the spiritual benefits the practice can bring.
Lent: A good time to hit our spiritual ‘reset’ button
The 40 days of Lent are a time for us to refocus on “getting right” with God and others, and to convert our hearts and minds to better reflect the love of Christ.
Lenten disciplines give me strength amid life’s challenges
I’m offering it up. There is this challenge in my life and I’m not going to let it get the best of me. I’ve been praying about it for at least a year now. And the Lord is bringing me to greater peace and understanding about it.
Almsgiving: Lenten practice is chance to ‘be generous with the poor’
Although the word almsgiving does not come up much in regular conversation, Catholics hear it plenty during Lent since it is one of the three pillars of the church’s Lenten practices along with prayer and fasting.