Being ‘Pilgrims of Hope’ in the Digital Landscape

The Jubilee Year 2025 is upon us, and Pope Francis has asked that we all attempt to be “pilgrims of hope” to witness to the love and power of Jesus Christ in the world today. What does that mean in practical terms? How am I to be a pilgrim of hope to the world?

A beginner’s guide to prayer for Catholics

Like any conversation, it goes both ways. We talk to God, and he talks to us. God loves us more than we can imagine. He wants us to get to know and love him as a Father. Like any loving parent, he wants to spend time talking with his children. The following are answers to commonly asked questions about prayer.

20 ways for busy people to converse with God

Boisterous children, unwashed dishes, office deadlines and a cozy bed at the end of a long day — all of these can call to us more loudly than the quiet voice of God inviting us into prayer. We constantly juggle the urgent tasks of this earthly life, so it’s easy to miss beautiful moments to connect with our ever-present heavenly Father.

The five parts of praying with Scripture

Even though the Bible was written ages ago, its pages always have meanings and messages for us today. Our challenge is to find connections between the text of yesterday and the “today” of our lives.