No, Richard Dawkins, cultural Christianity is not enough

In a striking turn of events, renowned atheist and evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins recently declared himself a “cultural Christian.” This declaration was sparked by his reaction to the Mayor of London’s decision to celebrate Ramadan with 30,000 lights on Oxford Street rather than Easter.

Does every moment count?

One person’s good use of time is another person’s waste. Good, sincere, conscientious people obviously use time in very different ways and feel they’re right to do so.

Praying through the headlines in the year of prayer

In discussing the removal or transfer of a pastor, Canon 1752 reads, ” … prae oculis habita salute animarum, quae in Ecclesia suprema semper lex esse debet” — in English, ” … keeping in mind the salvation of souls, which must always be the supreme law of the Church.”