Four deacons to be ordained June 8 at St. Mary’s Cathedral

Four deacons will be ordained by Bishop Patrick Neary at 10:30 a.m. June 8 at St. Mary’s Cathedral in St. Cloud. At ordination, a deacon becomes a member of the clergy who makes a promise of obedience to the bishop and commits his life in service to the Church. Deacons can proclaim the Gospel, preach and teach, and administer the sacraments of baptism and marriage.
Two of these men, Robert Craven and Kelly Marthaler, will serve as permanent deacons.
Joseph VanDenheuvel and Nathaniel Daubner will be ordained as transitional deacons, which is the next step toward priesthood ordination and usually occurs within one year of the diaconate ordination. Both men are slated for priesthood ordination in 2025.


Joseph VanDenheuvel

Hometown: Bertha
Home Parish: St. Joseph, Bertha
Family: Parents Russ and Nancy, three sisters
Hobbies: Board games, card games, pinochle, cribbage, pottery
Favorite Saint: St. Rose of Lima
Favorite devotion: Mass and the rosary
What do you look forward to in your role as a deacon? Preaching and proclaiming the Gospel at Mass and walking with people in their sacramental life.
Interesting Fact: Joined the National Guard after high school and became an air traffic controller for the U.S. Army.

Nathaniel Daubner

Hometown: Princeton
Home Parish: St. Mary, Milaca; and St. Louis Bertrand, Foreston
Family: Parents Nathan and Jennifer, four sisters and three brothers
Hobbies: Reading, biking, sports, playing piano, singing
Favorite Saints: St. John Vianney, St. Jose Maria Escriva and St. Jose Sanchez Del Rio
Favorite Prayer: Anima Christi
What do you look forward to in your role as a deacon? I look forward to putting into practice what I learned in the seminary, celebrating sacraments and walking alongside people in their faith journey.
Interesting Fact: Loved growing up in the country and appreciated his homeschool experience.


Robert Craven

Current Parish: St. Augustine, St. Cloud
Family: Wife, Heather, two sons and three daughters
Hobbies: Fishing, camping, canoeing
Favorite Saint: St. Joseph and St. Lawrence
Favorite Bible verse: Sirach 2:1-6
What do you look forward to in your role as a deacon? I look forward to being a bridge between the world and the Church and living a life of service at the altar, to the parish and the surrounding community.
Interesting Fact: Owner of Northside Welding in Sauk Rapids and has a private pilot’s license.

Kelly Marthaler

Current Parish: St. Alexius, West Union
Family: Wife, Marlys, three daughters
Hobbies: Spending time on the lake, Hunting, Fishing, Being Outdoors
Favorite Saints: St. Pope John Paul II, St. Joseph
Favorite Prayer: Three Hearts of the Holy Family
What do you look forward to in your role as a deacon? Ministering to those who are unseen by others, those who don’t receive visitors or attention at the hospital or nursing home and potentially, prison ministry.
Interesting Fact: Father of three grown daughters. One daughter, Lexi, will graduate with Kelly from Saint John’s School of Theology and Seminary.

Author: Amber Walling

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