Outpouring of grief, prayers as Lunar New Year shooting leaves 10 dead

“With the whole family of God here in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, I am praying for the victims of this violence,” Los Angeles Archbishop José H. Gomez said in a statement following a mass shooting that left 10 people dead and at least 10 more wounded in Monterey Park, California, late Jan. 21.

An unforgettable story of forgiveness

“Rachel publicly forgave her son’s killers before his body had even been found. And it’s that act of forgiveness that has gone on to change life after life in the 20 years since.”

Las voces católicas que marcharon por el derecho a nacer

Casi siete meses después de que la Corte Suprema anunciara que puso fin a la sentencia Roe vs. Wade y a las protecciones constitucionales para el aborto que estuvieron vigentes casi medio siglo, nuevamente las calles del centro de Washington D.C. se inundaron de personas que claman por la defensa a la vida.