Curiosity led Deacon Joseph VanDenheuvel to attend the seminary. He was ordained a transitional deacon at St. Mary’s Cathedral June 8.
Deacon Joseph VanDenheuvel: Curiosity led him to the seminary
Deacon Robert Craven: Called to service after attending diocesan men’s conference
Deacon Robert Craven was called to service after attending diocesan men’s conference. He was ordained June 8 at St. Mary’s Cathedral.
Deacon Kelly Marthaler: Encounter with man in New York City led to diaconate vocation
An encounter with man in New York City led Deacon Kelly Marthaler to his diaconate vocation at St. Mary’s Cathedral on June 8.
Meet the Diocese of St. Cloud’s new deacons!
On Saturday, June 10, three men will be ordained deacons for the Diocese of St. Cloud; two seminarians to the transitional diaconate, and one candidate to the permanent diaconate.
It’s ‘game on’ for Terry Jancik as he prepares to be ordained a permanent deacon
Due to the pandemic, Terry’s ordination, originally planned for this past June, was postponed. It is now set for Aug. 15 at Sacred Heart Church in Sauk Rapids.
Deacon ordination 2018
Four men were ordained for the Diocese of St. Cloud June 16 at St. Mary’s Cathedral in St. Cloud.