“The bishops also met with Catholic legislators from their individual dioceses, which was a new feature of the day this year. In the spirit of faithful citizenship, it was a rewarding experience for the bishops to get to know or strengthen their relationships with many of the Catholics serving our state at the Capitol.”
Inside the Capitol: Minnesota bishops meet with lawmakers to advocate for policies putting families first
As pot legalization expands, concern about its effects grows, says watchdog
Residents of two states that voted during the midterms to approve recreational marijuana use must closely monitor the local regulatory details and local impacts on youth, according to a national watchdog group.
National/World news briefs: Oct. 17, 2022
In focus: World Food Day, letter to young people, Parkland school shooting sentence, legalizing marijuana use in Missouri
Book uses Thomistic framework to explore ethics of marijuana use
The book is an exploration of the ethics of using marijuana, alcohol and antidepressants and some of the theological dimensions of the individual choice to partake in them.
Inside the Capitol: The morality of crafting a budget
Minnesota Catholic Conference weighs in on predatory lending and legalizing vice to make ends meet.
Jack Lawlis: Recreational marijuana in Minnesota and the common good
Legalizing recreational marijuana is a major issue for consideration during Minnesota’s 2020 legislative session. Many worry that legislators and the public have not fully realized the negative consequences that would likely follow legalization.