Pope Francis likes a joke

Pope Francis has made it abundantly clear over the years that he is no fan of “sourpuss” Catholics, who he calls “querulous and disillusioned pessimists” (Joy of the Gospel, No. 85). On this subject, he echoes Jesus’ own condemnation of sourpuss religious leaders who make a big show of their fasting and religious piety. “Amen, I say to you, they have received their reward” (Mt 6:16), was Jesus’ curt commentary

Statistically speaking: How pope’s choices change College of Cardinals

Popes have made a habit of exceeding the statutory limit on the number of cardinals under the age of 80, but Pope Francis is planning to set a record.
The pope announced Oct. 6 that he would create 21 new cardinals Dec. 8; fully 20 of the men named are under the age of 80 and would be eligible to enter a conclave to elect a pope.