“A familiar anonymous saying puts it: ‘Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting it to hurt the other person.'”
The power of anger: It can be destructive, but there are ways to navigate it positively
Ask Father Tom: God’s love in the Spirit is as close to us as our own breath
“We still spontaneously associate breath with life — and this is an important hint into the Holy Spirit,” says Father Tom Knoblach.
Ask Father Tom: Small acts still make a big difference
“To make a difference in the world’s suffering and pain, Mary teaches us to be present to others in joy and in sorrow.”
Ask Father Tom: What’s so important about the words of baptism?
Jesus is the ‘I’ acting in every sacrament.
Ask Father Tom: Where can we find true joy?
“Authentic joy is spiritual, literally a divine gift from the Holy Spirit. If we lose our sense of the sacredness of life, the goodness of creation, the dignity of others made in God’s image, we also lose our connection with God and sever our link to spiritual joy.”
Ask Father Tom: Work of ecumenism is everyone’s responsibility
“May we all strive to be what Jesus prayed and sacrificed himself for in his final hours: to gather into one the dispersed children of God.”
Ask Father Tom: Do you see this person?
“When we view people only through convenient labels, even if not with cruel intent, we risk obliterating the humanity of the other; and with it, something of our own.”
The Eucharist: A living question that elicits awe and wonder
“It reveals a great deal about the Eucharist that any Catholic can say something about the Living Bread come down from heaven, but no Catholic can say everything about it.”