Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio referred in his statement to the call to action from Servant of God Sister Thea Bowman, one of six Black Catholic women and men proposed for sainthood.
Catholics ‘must act’ for racial justice to honor MLK, says USCCB president
New university scholarship program named for Sister Phelps
The endowment is a means of reparation for the congregation’s “past participation in structural racism and in support of new pathways toward racial justice.”
Catholic author of Black Lives Matter book sees hope amid ongoing struggles
Journalist Olga M. Segura wrote a book intended to be more of an overview that might prompt white Catholics to get more involved in the work of racial justice.
Is 2020 the year that gets young people to polls in bigger numbers?
Racial justice activism will motivate young people to go to the polls Nov. 3 is predicted by Steven Millies, a scholar who explores the Catholic Church’s relationship to politics.
Portland archbishop urges end to violence, return to campaign for justice
As violent protests heighten, the Trump administration deployed the federal agents to protect federal buildings and monuments.
Moral theologian to address racial injustice in light of faith
The Father Wilfred Illies Memorial Lecture Committee has invited Father Bryan Massingale to speak on “The Culture of Encounter and Racial Justice: Toward a New Mercy” […]