Movie: ‘Tag’

Some rituals of childhood bonding are best left in the past. The cringe-inducing “Tag” (Warner Bros.) is a perfect example.

Movie: ‘Superfly’

Going only by its title, kids may mistake “Superfly” (Columbia) for the latest Marvel or DC Comics-based adventure involving a mutant. But the AARP set will recall director Gordon Park Jr.’s 1972 blaxploitation feature “Super Fly,” perhaps best remembered today for Curtis Mayfield’s soundtrack (“Freddy’s Dead,” etc.).

Movie: ‘Incredibles 2’

The first family of superheroes returns in “Incredibles 2” (Disney), the highly anticipated sequel to a much-loved 2004 animated film.

Movie: ‘Hereditary’

Imagine a mash-up of an intense family drama along the lines of 1980’s “Ordinary People” and a foray into the occult like “Rosemary’s Baby” from 1968 and you’ll have a sense the unusual tone of “Hereditary” (A24).

Movie: ‘Ocean’s 8’

What with the glitterati dressing up like all manner of churchmen and saints in connection with the exhibit “Heavenly Bodies,” the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s annual gala has been on the minds of many Catholics lately.

Movie: ‘Won’t You Be My Neighbor?’

First off, to answer everyone’s question about “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” (Focus), the cheerful and reverent documentary about Fred Rogers, creator and host of the PBS stalwart “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood”: Will it make you cry?

Movie: ‘Hotel Artemis’

Viewers who check themselves into the “Hotel Artemis” (Global Road) may wind up feeling like prisoners of their own device.