Social Ministry and the Diaconate: Where the rubber meets the road

By Deacon Fernando Garcia | OSV News

Deacon Fernando Garcia is the director of admissions and scrutiny of the Office of the Permanent Diaconate at St. Mary’s Seminary in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. (OSV News photo/courtesy Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston)

Every day, in Harris County, Texas, alone, several hundred youths ages 10 to 17 reside in juvenile detention centers. Lost in despair and hopelessness, these youth turn to volunteers of Special Youth Services, or SYS, who offer an encouraging word, inspiring Scripture and comforting prayer to see them through their difficulties. Coming from all walks of life — laypersons, religious, and clergy — they all work in the vineyard together, serving some of the most vulnerable youth.

And whether it’s offering weekly Bible studies or pastoral visits, it is the Holy Spirit continuously at work in the hearts of the youth, and just as equally in the hearts of the volunteers, no matter how experienced or seasoned they are, myself included.

During my diaconate formation years, I, along with several other candidates for the diaconate, entered the vineyard as an SYS volunteer. Assigned as our social ministry, it was our opportunity to practice what we learned through formation — where the “rubber meets the road,” as some would say. For me, that road would eventually lead to working as a pastoral minister for SYS.

However, whether as a volunteer or pastoral minister, I saw what they meant in the diaconate program — that we are never done being formed.

I recall one day in particular that seemed like so many others spent in the facilities, filled with God’s teachings through individual prayer, pastoral listening and a lot of catechesis. As the conversation with one young man was winding down he asked about my plans for the evening. I said I was attending the vigil for my friend’s mother, who’d passed away. We finished our conversation and concluded with prayer, lifting up his petitions to God. As we stood up and shook hands, he said in a solemn voice, “I’m sorry about your friend, sir.”

Here I stood before a young man who was at a loss — without his freedom, his family, friends and home. Having lost so much, and in the middle of his chaos, he stood there comforting me!

The rubber had met the road as my years of learning were tested, and I was found wanting. How often had I allowed my own chaos to blind me from the pain and suffering of others, diminishing the gravity of their situation based on my own situation?

Grape vines, vineyards and wine make hundreds of appearances in Scripture. They stand to represent blood, propagation and the people of God. (CNS photo/Nancy Wiechec)

Humbled by the young man’s empathy for me while still dealing with his situation, it was I who had been taught the lesson — a lesson that is still not forgotten.

Recently I returned to the diaconate formation program — now in the role of director of admissions and scrutiny for the Office of the Permanent Diaconate. While I have still found opportunities to stay connected and serve SYS, I have a greater understanding and appreciation for the value of social ministries assigned to the candidates to the diaconate.

Whether it’s visiting detention centers, prisons, hospitals or other facilities, social ministries like SYS continue to offer candidates to the diaconate an opportunity to practice what they’ve learned. More importantly, they offer continuous learning opportunities for them, helping in the formation process and refining the skills of the potential deacon.
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Deacon Fernando Garcia is the director of admissions and scrutiny of the Office of the Permanent Diaconate at St. Mary’s Seminary in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston.


Author: OSV News

OSV News is a national and international wire service reporting on Catholic issues and issues that affect Catholics.

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